This is basically the practical
application of Effective Thinking Principles 1 and 2. These principles connote
that our sole purpose in life is to achieve goals and that we are, by making
decisions, constantly manufacturing our destiny. All thoughts we entertain are related
to achieving specific objectives and all activities we do, pleasant and
unpleasant, constitute goals.
The first step in Effective
Thinking is to interpret the situations in your life differently. In
accordance with Effective Thinking Principle 1, replace the word, problems with
the word, objectives. You will notice that life becomes less
stressful and more enjoyable.
Now you no longer have problems –
you have situations on which you are prepared to work! There is a big
difference between worrying about a problem and working on an objective: the
latter is a much more successful strategy.
Your mind runs on objectives, so
why call these objectives problems? Why not refer to them as what they actually
are: goals to be achieved, targets to be reached, ends to be attained? Calling
them problems unnecessarily invites feelings of upset and distress, instead of
the more desirable feelings related to challenges and work.
Discard the word problem from your vocabulary. Simply stop thinking of difficult situations as problems and refuse to use this word. Replace it with words like, “My objective,” “The task,” “My goal,” “The situation,” “What I need to do,” “What I have to attend to,” “What came up that I need to deal with,” “What I need to work on.” When you dispose of the word, problem for good, you create a new, more positive attitude that will help you achieve your goals more efficiently.
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